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Puntuació mitjana 138 Ressenyes
akoOya ha valorat a Google

fa 6 mesos
F. Krakowski ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It was good. It lacks a bit of choice in terms of meat skewers but hey, it's basically a sushi restaurant. It does the job very well (Original) C'était bon. Il manque un peux de choix niveau brochettes de viande mais bon, c'est un restaurant de sushi a la base . Il fait très bien l'affaire

fa 6 mesos
Gabriel Romon ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Unlimited sashimi in the evening (Original) Sashimi illimité le soir

fa 7 mesos
Emilie LÉ-NHU ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Automatic 5 car sashimi at will The skewers were passable Good gyozas Very good matcha ice cream (Original) Automatique 5 car sashimi à volonté Les brochettes elétaient passables Bons gyozas Glace au matcha très bonne

fa 7 mesos
Lola Verchain Tavares ha valorat a Google

fa 7 mesos
oscar vergara ha valorat a Google

fa 7 mesos
Jérémy Bonetto ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) One of my favorite all-you-can-eat Japanese for sure (Original) Un de mes japonais à volonté préféré pour sûr

fa 7 mesos
negin ha valorat a Google

Here is all you can eat sushi, not that much choices but I personally don’t care because that have my favourite spring rolls, they are a super nice family ❤️

fa 7 mesos
sila ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) it was great ! (Original) c’était top !

fa 7 mesos
Lau Ra ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) we eat really well there! the sushi, spring rolls and soups are super good 🥰 (Original) on y mange super bien ! les sushis, les nems et la soupes sont su-per bons 🥰

fa 7 mesos

Avís legal

105 Rue de Tolbiac / 24 Rue Javelot
75013 Paris, France

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per OKO
